5 Gifts Under $50

Tis the season!  You know the season where you frantically searching for the “perfect” gift for all those on your list.  Aunt Sally, cousin Tom, your coworker, the picky in-law…you get the idea. Gift giving shouldn’t be a chore.  It really is the thought that counts, but with that said I also like to give and receive useful things. Here are 5 items that will fit anyone on your list and won’t break the bank!

Stanley Cup

2022 the year that Stanley made a comeback because of a cup!  The viral Tik Tok Tumbler is in stock and ready to go under the tree this holiday season.  There is literally a color for any and everyone.  It keeps beverages hot or cold and conveniently fits in any standard size up holder.  Several folks on my list are getting one this year.

Barefoot Dreams Blanket

Everyone loves a blanket, especially when it is super cozy and large enough to cover those cold winter toes.  It comes in lots of colors to match any decor. Oh, and it happens to be on SALE!

Charging Station

For the techie or the teenager in your life, this 3-device charging station is key!  Not only is it a space saver, but it is also perfect for travel.  Works with all MagSafe Apple devices.  Friends don’t let friends have dead devices.  LOL

The Slight Edge

For the reader or business person in your life this book is super to be a hit.  Come January it seems everyone is trying to improve themselves in some way.  This read will is a great start to those 2023 resolutions.

Karaoke Mic

Who doesn’t love a little karaoke? Pump the party and own the stage with this handheld, Bluetooth mic.  This one makes a great gift for a kid, teen, or even hostess of your favorite holiday parties.

Hopefully one of these items helps as you check off your holiday shopping list. I know I would be happy with any of them under the tree for me.  Wishing you and yours a blessed and joyous Christmas season!

XO, Holly