Looking Back, Moving Forward

The first and possibly the longest month of the new year has come and gone. Hard to believe it’s been just 30 days since we set new goals, intentions, resolutions, or even words to live by for ourselves.  For some today means feeling like a failure because whatever you set out to do didn’t happen. However, I want you to take today to reset and change that mindset. 

No one and I mean NO ONE, does “all the things” perfectly every day.  While social media may seem to make it appear as such, it is not. I have not fully lived up to my word “alignment” either.  While I did accomplish my fitness goal, that’s about where it ends.  I continued to say yes to things that don’t serve me, spent too much time on my phone, and didn’t finish the book I was reading.  I mean, my entire house had Covid, we quarantined and homeschooled, but we also had a beautiful family wedding and snowfall with lots of memories made.  Those are wins in my book!