My Word of the Year for 2022


A new year brings excitement, rebirth, sometimes anxiety, and often resolutions.   I can say I’m feeling all of those except having a resolution.  That is something I left in 2017 and haven’t looked back.  I instead started choosing a word of the year, like many of you, because it made more sense to live by than something arbitrary which I would probably end up ditching in a few weeks anyway.  

The last few years have not been easy for anyone. We’ve all found ourselves in a “different” world than what we consider the norm.  It’s become hard to navigate work, school, feelings, and life in general. For me, it has helped me realize what matters and what doesn’t, leading me to my word for 2022- ALIGNMENT.

Alignment in all areas of life; health, business, family, and emotional well-being. This will mean putting myself and my family first.  I don’t mean this in a selfish way, but in a way that makes sure their best interests are always at heart.  It’ll mean setting boundaries that others may not agree with, but the emotional well-being of oneself is more important now than ever. Sometimes this will mean making choices Richard and Aubrey don’t agree with.  However, in the end, if I am aligned with our well-being at heart, it will all work out.

So I would encourage you to pick a word that means something to you. What might help you as you navigate the unknown of 2022? Don’t worry if you stray from it at times.  We’re human and it happens. Just promise that you’ll pick yourself up and move forward.

Wishing you a prosperous and healthy New Year!
