My 2023 Word of the Year

By now you’ve probably seen or heard of folks choosing a “Word of the Year”.  I started using this concept at the recommendation of a friend back in 2018.  I had found myself making resolutions, not sticking to them, and feeling defeated and back to square one usually by mid-January.  Sound familiar? This Word of the Year concept resonated with me because I could choose a way to be or live during the year while not feeling like I had to give up because I got a little off course.  So for 2023, I have chosen the word CONSISTENCY.

Now you’re probably already thinking, “Holly you’re the most consistent person I know.  You eat right, exercise, and pour time into your career and family.  Why would you choose that?”. For one, I think we can always strive to be better.  However, what you don’t “see” is the daily internal struggle of trying to balance it all.  Some days I give and go 150%. On other days I’m operating at about 60%.  My goal is to balance that out with some consistency and be 80-90% all the time.

We often think of consistency in terms of something like fitness.  Why yes I want to be more consistent with my workouts, I also want to bring this consistency to less tangible parts of my life.  The biggest part of that is my relationship with Jesus and others.  Family and friendship often get put at the bottom of the to-do list because we always feel like “they can wait.”  In reality, those are the ones who should be at the top.  After all, they are the most important things anyway.

So as I walk into the second week of 2023 I’m doing my best to put consistency in place in my life.  That might look like less time in front of all of you, but my heart will always be there with you.  I encourage you to evaluate your goals for the year and make the adjustments that will bring you peace and prosperiety this year and beyond.