Back to School Tips and Tricks


Ready to not, here it comes.  While some of us may start sooner than others, it’s not too early to prep and prepares for back to school.  You know I love Summer, but I also love our routines and I’m kind of ready to get them back.  Can’t believe I just said that, but my fellow type-A friends can probably relate.  Here are a few tips that might help your family find their groove again too!


Having a set bedtime at our house is vital.  We all go to bed early, like with the chickens early. LOL!  While our bedtime may be extreme, I have found that by starting this practice before school officially starts back it doesn’t seem like quite the system shock. Your kids may dislike it, but we know that come those mornings that alarm clock has to ring early they’ll be grateful. 


As a former teacher, no we don’t expect you to have everything on the first day, but getting supplies as soon as possible is super helpful.  It also sets a precedent for your children that school is important and being prepared shows responsibility.  Pro tip: stock up on Ticonderoga pencils!  Your teacher will thank you.  They’re hands down the best! 


If your kid is like mine, eating has been way off schedule and occurring every 45 minutes while at home.  This week we’ve done our best to eat on a more routine schedule.  This also seems to help with bedtime for us. Ever wonder how they “really” survive on that just one meal at school?🤣


This to me may be the most important thing I can share. While the school year may not look like you had hoped or planned, having a positive attitude about what lies ahead will greatly determine how it feels for your children. If you’re excited, they will be. If you’re not, they’ll take on that attitude as well. Positivity goes a long way! Our little ones are always watching. 

Above all, I hope you’ve enjoyed your Summer together and wish you all the best as we embark on another year of learning. 

