Word of 2021 - Quality

Anyone else glad to see 2020 on the way out the door?  For many folks, including my family, it hasn’t been the best. However, I remind myself it could have been much worse and there are always lessons to be learned from the good and the bad.


As I began to think of my word for 2021 I couldn’t help but reflect on how the curve balls of this year changed who I am.  When I chose “intentional” as my focus for 2020, I had no idea that the world would almost stop turning due to a global pandemic and knock us all down for at least a little bit.  I didn’t know it would force me to be home and not travel, be a teacher again to my own child daily, keep a distance from the people I love the most and change how we all did business and pretty much life. 

Forced to be intentional?  Sounds like it but again, God knew what was best.  

As much as some of those set-backs got on my last nerve, they also changed me as a person.  All of them reminded me that it’s not what you have in life but truly who you have.  You know, that whole “quality over quantity” thing.  The intentional relationships I built and rekindled, time I spent at home and on myself, and energy I gave to things that make me happy were definitely not wasted.  

So that brings me to the present and my personal focus for the New Year.  It’s simply “quality.”  Quality in all areas of my life; personal, business and spiritual.  While I can’t control what the world around me does, I can make the best of the life I’ve been given. And to me you can’t put a number on that.

As we get the chance to start anew, let the past serve as a reminder of how far you’ve come and wonderful it is to live in the present.  Find YOUR focus and use it to be the best version of yourself, every day. 

The world needs more of that.

With love,
