20 Tips on Life and Friendship

Let’s face it.  Friendship and life are hard.  Factor in being female, the pressures of the world and the beast called social media, and sometimes I’m fearful for my precious daughter as she navigates it all. I’ll continue to pray, guide, and direct her through it all (heavy on the prayer part), but in the meantime here are a few things I want my daughter to know about life: 

1. Not everyone is going to like you and that is okay.

2. Sometimes you won’t be invited and that’s okay too. 

3. Kindness is always in style. Always.

4. If you can’t shine around them, they’re not your people.

5. Choose the ones who are choosing you back.

6. Have high standards but have grace. We all make mistakes.

7. To have friends, you have to be a friend. Be the best one you can be.

8. Listen before you speak. 

9. Don’t leave someone out on purpose. It doesn’t feel good.

10. Gossip & drama are crap.

11. You can’t be best friends with everyone, but you can be kind and make sure people feel seen.

12. Quality over quantity in all things.

13. Popularity is overrated. 

14. Don’t define your worth by what others think. Accept and love yourself, and others will too.

15. Be a giver but don’t let people walk all over you.

16. Your friends should be as good to others as they are to you. If not, then they’re not a friend.

17. Loyalty isn’t conditional.

18. If Mama doesn’t like them, there’s probably a good reason.

19. Friendship is like a garden. Water it. Tend it. Prune it.

20. Always make yourself proud.

Above all, I’m here no matter what. You’re gonna get hurt but don’t shut down or consider yourself a failure. Show the world the beautiful person you are inside and out. And remember, Mama always loves you.❤️